SPC Software for Excel

Draw Control Charts, Pareto Charts and more in seconds

Businesses from manufacturing to healthcare use Statistical Process Control to monitor their processes. QI Macros makes SPC easier and more effective by doing the "heavy lifting" of calculations and graphing your data, marking out-of-control points and showing where your processes can be improved.

QI Macros has fill-in-the-blank templates for fishbone diagrams, point and click histograms, pareto charts, scatter plots and much more. QI Macros is the SPC software of choice at thousands of organizations around the world. Download a 30 day trial today.

FREE QI Macros 30-Day Trial

Here are just some of the charts included in QI Macros add-in for Excel

QI Macros SPC software has outstanding value, particularly when compared to software packages that cost much more. It has all the functionality needed for leading, managing, and performing the technical work of quality/process improvement and product/service development efforts. The user friendliness is excellent. The training and technical support is excellent. Highly recommended!.

- Allen Gates
Univ of Wisconsin, Six Sigma Instructor
Founder, Renaissance Consulting

Advanced Features You Won't Find Anywhere Else

built in code


Rules built into our code
Not just decision trees

easy to use


Automates common tasks
Interprets results for you

QI Macros is long on Six Sigma capabilities, with some Lean tools and techniques built in as well... Chances are many Green Belts and some Black Belts will be able to do everything they need with QI Macros and Excel...

The familiar Excel interface reduces the learning curve and makes it a viable option for anyone who needs to create control charts, conduct statistical analysis or perform data manipulations.

Heidi Wiesenfelder, Bright Hub