Vanity or Productivity Metrics | Lean Six Sigma Moneybelt Blog

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Vanity or Productivity Metrics

Vanity metrics let you feel good about your business.

Productivity metrics tell you the truth about your business. From Running Lean, by Ash Maurya via the Lean Startup, here’s some productivity metrics:

  • Acquisition (how do users find you?)
  • Activation (do they have a great first experience?)
  • Retention (do they return?)
  • Revenue (how do you make money?)
  • Referral (do users tell others?).

Most people want to feel good, so they often select metrics that let them feel good. The people that excel choose metrics that tell them where and how to improve.

You can chart either one with the QI Macros, but vanity charts aren’t going to help you improve.

This entry was posted by Jay Arthur in Lean, QI Macros. Bookmark the permalink.