Six Sigma Tagged Improvement Insights

Improvement Insights Blog

Posts tagged "Six Sigma"

Do You Think Six Sigma Should Be Serious?

People often think Six Sigma is serious. There’s a better approach.

“Hi, I’m Jay Arthur, author of “Lean Six Sigma For Hospitals” and the QI Macros [software].

“You know, it’s curious: a lot of people seem to want to make Six Sigma serious. There’s no easier way to kill an improvement group than to make everything serious, right? Let’s start having fun!

“Let’s start looking at data, figuring out how to solve problems, and have fun doing it. I think it could be fun. I have a lot of fun doing it, right?

“So if you think it’s too serious… you’re veering off track.

Posted by Jay Arthur in Improvement Insights.

8/15/23 Healthcare Data Analytics Webinar

Over 150 people signed up for this webinar, with Jay Arthur demonstrating how to implement Healthcare Data Analytics to save time, save money, and (most importantly) save lives.

You can view a short two-page illustrated guide to the Zero Harm – Trillion Dollar Prescription by clicking HERE.

If you’d like to see a short demo video to see how our software is used in healthcare organizations like yours, click this DEMO link.

If you’ve never used QI Macros and would like to try it out for free, you can sign up for a free 30 day trial at THIS link.

Posted by Jay Arthur in Agile Lean Six Sigma, Data Mining, Healthcare, Lean, QI Macros, Six Sigma, Webinar.

7/18/23 Healthcare Data Analytics Webinar

Over 250 people signed up for this webinar, with Jay Arthur demonstrating how to implement Healthcare Data Analytics to save time, save money, and (most importantly) save lives.

You can view a short two-page illustrated guide to the Zero Harm – Trillion Dollar Prescription by clicking HERE.

If you’d like to see a short demo video to see how our software is used in healthcare organizations like yours, click this DEMO link.

If you’ve never used QI Macros and would like to try it out for free, you can sign up for a free 30 day trial at THIS link.

Posted by Jay Arthur in Agile Lean Six Sigma, Data Mining, Healthcare, Lean, QI Macros, Six Sigma, Webinar.

Overcome the Frustration Barrier

Most quality improvement professionals have long forgotten how hard it was to learn QI. What if you could help newbies overcome the frustration barrier?

“Hi, I’m Jay Arthur, author of “Lean Six Sigma For Hospitals” and the QI Macros [software].

“I was out at the American Society for Quality conference last week in scenic Philadelphia. One of the things that I’ve noticed is when we talk to people, most people forget how hard it was initially to get through the frustration barrier to learn Quality when they began. They forget how hard it is. Just like childbirth, women forget how much it hurt; they just… “Oh, yeah, I got a baby.”

Posted by Jay Arthur in Improvement Insights, Jay Arthur Blog, QI Macros.

5/25/23 Healthcare Data Analytics Webinar

Over 110 people signed up for this webinar, with Jay Arthur demonstrating how to implement Healthcare Data Analytics to save time, save money, and (most importantly) save lives.

You can view a short two-page illustrated guide to the Zero Harm – Trillion Dollar Prescription by clicking HERE.

If you’d like to see a short demo video to see how our software is used in healthcare organizations like yours, click this DEMO link.

If you’ve never used QI Macros and would like to try it out for free, you can sign up for a free 30 day trial at THIS link.

Posted by Jay Arthur in Agile Lean Six Sigma, Data Mining, Healthcare, Lean, QI Macros, Six Sigma, Webinar.

To P or Not to P

Most Six Sigma statistics rely on p values. But statisticians have been raising alarm about the problems with p values. Here’s what’s going on:

“Hi, I’m Jay Arthur, author of “Lean Six Sigma For Hospitals” and the QI Macros [software].

“I get these emails about different courses that are being offered (I think one on Coursera) but it was one on statistics and it was “To P or Not to P That is the Question.”

“Have you been watching anything in the statistics world? Statisticians think that P values can be misleading and potentially dangerous.

Posted by Jay Arthur in Improvement Insights, Jay Arthur Blog.

Using Six Sigma to Improve Your Golf Game

People keep asking me if Six Sigma applies only to manufacturing. Nope. You can even use it to improve your golf game.

(You can download my free “Six Sigma Golf” pamphlet by clicking HERE.)

“Hi, I’m Jay Arthur, author of “Lean Six Sigma Demystified” and QI Macros [software].

“I was at the American Society for Quality’s Lean Six Sigma conference down in Phoenix a few weeks ago, and one guy said, “Aren’t you the guy that wrote Six Sigma Golf?” I said “Yeah!” I [wrote] that book a long time ago. Nobody brought it up for a long time, but I said yeah; I was reading Dave Pelz’ “Putting [Bible]” and “Short Game Bible.”

Posted by Jay Arthur in Improvement Insights, Jay Arthur Blog.

Lean or Six Sigma? Which one is right for you?

People often ask: “Jay, should I choose Lean or Six Sigma?” My answer is, “It depends.” Here’s why:

“Hi, I’m Jay Arthur, author of “Lean Six Sigma Demystified” and QI Macros [software].

“You know, people ask me all the time, “Jay, what should I start with: Lean or Six Sigma?” I always say: Well, are your processes sluggish? Slow? Are you delivering on time or are you missing it all the time? Then you need Lean. If it’s taking too long, if your patients are waiting too long in the waiting room: Lean.

“However, if you have too many defects, mistakes and errors, you need Six Sigma.

Posted by Jay Arthur in Improvement Insights.

2/14/23 Healthcare Data Analytics Webinar

Over 140 people signed up for this webinar, with Jay Arthur demonstrating how to implement Healthcare Data Analytics to save time, save money, and (most importantly) save lives.

You can view a short two-page illustrated guide to the Zero Harm – Trillion Dollar Prescription by clicking HERE. If you’ve never used QI Macros and would like to try it out, you can sign up for a free 30 day trial at THIS link. If you are a QI Macros user with an older software version, and you saw a feature demonstrated in the webinar that might have been added to QI Macros after the version you’re using (for instance, the Templates Wizard, the Fixed Limit indicator or the automated Process Change Wizard), you may need to purchase an upgrade to bring your QI Macros to the current version.

Posted by Jay Arthur in Agile Lean Six Sigma, Healthcare, Lean, QI Macros, Six Sigma, Webinar.

Deming on Spec Limits vs. Variation

Deming contrasted US and Japanese focus: spec limits vs variation. Here’s the essence:

“Hi, I’m Jay Arthur, author of “Lean Six Sigma Demystified” and QI Macros [software].

“I don’t know about you, but every once in a while I go back and read through books that I’ve gotten in Quality over the years. I went back into Deming’s “Out of the Crisis.” It was very interesting. There’s a thought he put in here and I’ll read it to you: “We in America have worried about specifications: meet the specification. In contrast, the Japanese are worried about uniformity, working for less and less variation around the nominal value…”

“What does he mean?

Posted by Jay Arthur in Improvement Insights, Jay Arthur Blog.