Problem Solving

Improvement Insights Blog

Posts tagged "Problem Solving"

Three Tools To Solve 90% of Healthcare Problems

Jay presented this webinar to University of Illinois Chicago Director of Nursing Practice (DNP) faculty on 9/8/2022.


Posted by Jay Arthur in Agile Lean Six Sigma, Healthcare, Jay Arthur Blog.

Psychological Barriers to Asking for Help

Do you ever struggle with data analysis and problem solving? This might help:

“When I first built my first website for the QI Macros, it was pretty primitive and got going and got some things done. Then about 2012 I needed some help because it wasn’t quite doing everything it should. I resisted getting some help, but I finally found somebody to help me tweak the website and get it going on a useful path. Since then, things have become even more and more complicated with Google Analytics and pay-per-click and all the other stuff that’s going on out there, and it’s just become too complicated for one person to know how to do all of that stuff.

Posted by Jay Arthur in Improvement Insights.

Think Like Bill Gates

Ever been tempted to give up on some problem? Think it might be impossible to solve? Consider learning to think like Bill Gates. Here’s how:

“Hi, I’m Jay Arthur, author of “Lean Six Sigma Demystified” and QI Macros [software].

“I recently watched a documentary about Bill Gates, and the interviewer was asking about… Bill was trying to eradicate polio on the planet, and he had gotten vaccination and kind of gotten it narrowed down to some part of northern Africa (if I remember correctly), but insurgents and rebels and all kinds of things were trying to stop this immunization (which I don’t understand at all, but that’s how it goes, right?).

Posted by Jay Arthur in Improvement Insights.

Is Your Customer Bothering You?

Is your customer bothering you? Do they make you angry sometimes because they won’t do what you want them to do? Here’s how to think about it:

“Hi, I’m Jay Arthur, author of “Lean Six Sigma Demystified” and QI Macros [software].

“My friend Shelle Rose Charvet wrote a book called “The Customer Is Bothering Me” and I thought that that was kind of a good thought to think about for a little bit. Do you ever get kind of angry with your customer for not doing what your customer needs to do to make life easier for you?

Posted by Jay Arthur in Improvement Insights, Service.

Snowthrower Delivery Debacle

Ordered a snowthrower as a wedding gift for two day delivery. Eight days later it was delivered to someone’s home (not mine). How can we mistake-proof these kinds of problems?

“One of the guys in my office is getting married this June and so I got him an early wedding gift: a snow thrower. So I ordered it from Amazon. I ordered it on Monday, it was supposed to arrive on Wednesday; two days shipping on Prime.

“Then on Wednesday I get this notice that said, “Well, it’s sort of delayed.” So then it said maybe Friday, but of course on Friday it wasn’t here, and they tried to deliver it on Saturday, of course, which is when we’re closed.

Posted by Jay Arthur in Agile Lean Six Sigma, Improvement Insights, Lean, Service, Six Sigma.