Healthcare – Page 6 – Lean Six Sigma Moneybelt

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Quality Is Not a Department

A recent report from NAHQ (National Association of Healthcare Quality) found that three-quarters of hospitals had a quality department. But to achieve hassle-free healthcare and zero harm, it will take more than a department to achieve the results desired.

“The National Association for Healthcare Quality just released a report on Quality professionals in health care, and it turns out that in a lot of the situations, about three-quarters of the people responding reported that in their hospital or wherever, that Quality was a department, and in about a quarter [of the responses] Quality was individuals working on stuff.

“Let me be clear about this: Quality is not a department.

Posted by Jay Arthur in Healthcare, Improvement Insights.

Control Charts for KPIs

Several attendees told me they had ripped out their line charts and started using Control Charts for their KPIs. Here’s why:

“Hi, I’m Jay Arthur, author of “Lean Six Sigma for Hospitals” and the QI Macros [software].

“We were out at the National Association for Healthcare Quality conference; I was speaking and we were exhibiting there. After I spoke, I had a couple people come up to me who said they’d seen me at the previous year’s convention talking about how to improve things and how line [charts] and bar charts can be harming patients and they said, “You know, I went back to my hospital and we ripped out all of our line charts and we put in control charts for all of our key process indicators.

Posted by Jay Arthur in Agile Lean Six Sigma, Healthcare, Improvement Insights, QI Macros, Six Sigma.

Agile Lean Six Sigma for Healthcare – NAHQ 2018

How to “hack” Lean Six Sigma for Healthcare Quality and Safety. Recorded at NAHQ 2018 in Minneapolis, MN.

Posted by Jay Arthur in Agile Lean Six Sigma, Healthcare, Jay Arthur Blog.

Building Rapport with Improvement Teams – Step 3

A district level manager was hopping mad about something. I decided to see if I could use pacing and leading to calm her down and get back to solving the problem to meet her needs.

Posted by Jay Arthur in Healthcare, Improvement Insights, Lean, Manufacturing, QI Macros, Service, Six Sigma.

Building Rapport with Improvement Teams – Step 2

My boss sent me to talk to a cranky manager about a software project he wanted to do. Here’s how I used non-verbal rapport to connect with him in 30-60 seconds.

Posted by Jay Arthur in Healthcare, Improvement Insights, Lean, Manufacturing, QI Macros, Service, Six Sigma.

Building Rapport with Improvement Teams – Step 1

I was tasked with training the leadership team of U S West, the president and his vice presidents. Here’s how I started to build rapport with the leadership team and every team afterwards.

Posted by Jay Arthur in Healthcare, Improvement Insights, Lean, Manufacturing, Service, Six Sigma.

Celebrate Nurses Week 2018

To commemorate Nurses Week 2018, Jay speaks with LeAnn Thieman, author of “Chicken Soup for the Nurses Soul” and the founder of SelfCare for HealthCare.

Posted by Jay Arthur in Healthcare, Improvement Insights.

Reducing Patient Falls – A Case Study

The Joint Commission Journal on Quality and Patient Safety (Feb 2018) has an article entitled “Temporal Trends in Fall Rates with the Implementation of a Multifaceted Fall Prevention Program.” Ouch!

I believe the story could have been told easily with quality improvement tools, so here’s how I’d go about it. First, there are a number of tables (i.e., spreadsheets of performance data) like the one below.

jcaqo falls rates data

The first year, 2003, had only 200 falls because they started measuring in July. The first full year of measurement was 2004.

It would be easy to turn these into control charts, but the authors chose a boxplot with a trend line of predicted falls.

Posted by Jay Arthur in Healthcare, Jay Arthur Blog, QI Macros, Six Sigma.

Hospital Costs a “Hungry Tapeworm on U.S. Economy” says Warren Buffett

I have been thinking for some time that someone would come along, start buying up hospitals and forcing them to adopt the Lean principles of Amazon and Six Sigma to achieve the “science and evidence” that Don Berwick has been challenging the IHI to adopt.

Warren Buffet has the money, but usually invests in “well-run” companies, not ones in trouble. An estimated half of all hospitals are in financial trouble (often because of the lack of Lean Six Sigma).

Bezos and Amazon have the operational efficiency needed in virtually all healthcare environments.

Dimon has a big bank.

They are all worried about the quality of healthcare and the rising costs.

Posted by Jay Arthur in Healthcare, Lean, QI Macros, Six Sigma.

Top Leaders Deliver Reliably

May-June 2017 HBR discusses the results of a 10-year study of what makes CEOs great.

Of the four traits, number 4, Delivering Reliably, was found to be the most powerful of the four essential behaviors. Reliable CEOs were 15 times more likely to succeed.

I have found that one of the most effective ways to deliver reliably is to use Lean Six Sigma to simplify, streamline and optimize performance.

Posted by Jay Arthur in Healthcare, Lean, Manufacturing, Service, Six Sigma.